What's Going On

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Are you worried about putting your heating on or having to choose between heating or eating? 

Don't sit alone at home in the cold, come and gather with us for free in a warm, safe, welcoming place and enjoy hot drinks, light refreshments and lovely company. 

No need to book, just turn up 

Monday: 1pm-4pm

Wednesday: 10am-4pm

Friday: Closed

Wellbeing Walk

As the weather improves why not join our weekly walk, see the signs of spring  develop. Very friendly and welcomes new walkers.

Hub Garden

Please come and join us clear the garden. We are hopefully going to be setting up a gardening group soon , watch out for the posters!

Come and join our new art class

No experience needed. It's a space to get creative , come and develop your creativity. Mondays 1pm-3pm 

Learn how to sew that Button on or repair that split seam.

Carol is happy to help you learn the skills to repair your own clothes, come and save money by repairing your clothes.

Drop in Session

If you aren't able to drop in, contact us and we can arrange an appointment